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Celebrate black history month with women in Business Bennie Cosmetics

by - February 20, 2020

South Florida Black Women owned business

On black history month, we celebrate the accomplishment and heroic act of our black ancestors who despite mountains of roadblock manage to claim their freedom, be creative, invent stuff, and start businesses. I love and appreciate everything our ancestors have done, I celebrate them!
South Florida Black Women owned business

As I was talking to my kids about black history, I told them black history is so much more than Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King. Black history is the young black woman starting a business, the young black man going after his dreams...
I am so fortunate to know so black people who are daily perpetuating black excellence. My circle is filled with businessmen and women doing awesome things every day.

South Florida Black Women owned business

I have a lot of business friends in the internet space, I myself have had several online businesses. I start them up and walk away how I see fit no fuss, or repercussions to me since everything is virtual.

I don’t have to tend to my online businesses every day. If I don’t feel okay I just back off and resume when I can. I have friends with brick and mortar businesses. With a brick and mortar business, you can’t do that!

You have to show up, you have to open your doors you have to stick to your schedule because you have customers expectation and not to mention the financial upkeep on the place 
It takes a different kinda courage, passion and hard work to do this. 

South Florida Black Women owned business

This is exactly what my girl Bennie did.
She took her makeup artist business from being on the go to opening her own place!
That takes balls! 

Bennie Cosmetics now has a home! 
Like I said before the best ways to celebrate Black History Month is to celebrate, elevate and purchase work services and support missions by Black people that help benefit Black people. 

She offers Bridal and event professional Makeup artist, micro-blading, micro-shading on top of all that home-girl went back to school to work on her medical license so she can better serve her clientele.

South Florida Black Women owned business

You can find her doing her magic and being a real-life fairy godmother going bibbity bobbity boo on people faces on  Facebook and Instagram 

For me, people like Bennie are real black history! Black women going after their dreams, working hard, and looking fabulous doing it.

South Florida Black Women owned business

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