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Tips to Prepare Your Yard for a Spring Garden

by - March 02, 2020

Tips to Prepare Your Yard for a Spring Garden

With spring arriving many of you are ready to get outdoors and start a garden. While gardening is an excellent way to use up that energy you’ve stored from the lazy winter season, it’s not quite time to start planting your seeds. Today I’m going to share some tips to get your lawn ready for spring gardening season.

Tips to Prepare Your Yard for a Spring Garden

Tips to Prepare Your Yard for a Spring Garden

Take Note of Damage

Get out your pad of paper and go inspect last year’s garden area. Make note of any weather damage, landscape problems, or debris that may need tending to. Look for new animal burrows or any other trace that animals may have taken up home in your garden beds over the cold season.

Repair above Ground Items

Since the ground may be too cold to start planting or doing anything with just yet, place your focus in repairing the above-ground items. You’ll want to fix fences, walls, get raised garden beds ready and so forth. This is an excellent way to prepare your yard for that first day of spring planting.

Clean Garden Beds

Start cleaning out last year’s garden beds before any perennials start to bud. This is an important step to ensure your perennials have room for healthy growth. Pick up any fallen branches or other debris, clean out your birdbaths as well as any other area to help prepare your yard for spring garden season.

Test and Feed Soil

If you really want to make sure your yard is prepared for a spring garden then make sure you test your soil. This only has to be done every 3-5 years to see what nutrients and organic material your soil may need. Talk to someone at your local garden shop for tips on how to feed your soil based on the results.

Prune and Divide

Look at all of your shrubs and bushes to make sure they’re ready for beautiful growth this spring season. Prune your shrubs and bushes to encourage healthy growth. Then go through your perennials and make sure they haven’t outgrown last year’s bed, divide and transplant any that need more space.
These are just some of the basic tips to prepare your yard for a spring garden. It’s important to get outdoors and start cleaning up your yard, preparing old garden beds and ridding your yard of animals who made your yard a home during the winter season so that this year’s spring garden has a solid chance for maximum growth.

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