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Ways to earn extra cash Tip 1: Garage Sale

by - December 06, 2014

I should have been posting these already but better late than never.

Can you believe Christmas is here already? I feel like I just got done with last year, Oh how time flies.

Nevertheless, Christmas is my favorite time of the year, the colors, the food, the lights, the presents...

It's all great but we can't deny that Christmas can get very expensive. I've come up with a list of ways to earn some cash, to cushion all the fun stuff we like to do at Christmas time.

Tip 1: Host a garage sale

It's always a good idea to make room for the new stuff, one way to do that is to clean out the old stuff. Clothes we will never fit in, kids' toys, they're in college for Pete's sake! That junk we bought on the infomercial at 3:00 AM


Some of the stuff we keep around are barely used, they're just hogging up spaces. 

Why not clean it out for some cash?

Look out for tips in the next few days. Have tips on how to earn some cash? Please share!

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