Hola Chicas!
It has been such a fun month of Thanks Giving and counting my blessings. It is so amazing to see how rich we actually are once we take the time to be thankful for the things we already have.
The night before Thanks Giving my fellowship team went out to feed the homeless and give them basic things like toiletries and blankets. It was like God was smiling down at us in the park in this amazing sunset. I was so grateful to be a part of this outreach, makes me so thankful for my home, food, and clothing. These people were over the moon grateful for a plate of food and some basic toiletries. What a way to put things in perspective

Upon arriving home that night, our South Florida fall weather was cool enough for us to light up the fire pit outside. It was so much fun roasting/burning marshmallows over the fire with the kiddos.
... and the day has come for the cooking fiesta!
My 6 year old daughter, made the stuffing, with me dictating the recipe. She did all the adding, mixing and tasting :) with the added bonus of a whole lotta mess of course.
I had suggested to my kids that we go to Disney for the holidays, but it melt my heart that they'll rather spend the day cooking and setting up our Christmas tree.
I'm such a proud momma, my 5 year old daughter bake the pies and cupcakes all I had to do is read the recipe. She did all the measuring, stirring with an added bonus of a lotta mess. LOL it it was so much fun!
We harvested our collard right of my tower garden for our green dish
We made gluten free cupcakes
Pumpkin pies

Dinner rolls
Little bug had so much fun rolling LOL

... and that was my favorite part! Sitting with my pumpkin scented candle burning in front of the Christmas tree!
I'm so grateful for my family, my friends, my home, my God who provide, take care of me and love me beyond measure!
I'm officially in full blown Christmas mode. Deck the Halls. Caroling. reindeer hats. ugly red sweater. The whole shebang!
How was your thanksgiving? What's for Christmas?
Want to add anything? What do you think?