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Shrimp-Crabby Patties, Plantain chips and Haitian Pikliz Recipe

by - July 21, 2017

Haitian Pikliz Recipe

Ever had those weird food cravings and you just had to have it. The other day I just had to have some fried food! I stay away from fry stuff for two reasons, first... 
well, its not that good for you and second the smell!
The smell of frying linger for days in the house, It's like it's in my hair, my clothes. So I stay away from frying things in my house. 

But that day was like Woah!

I gave in and improvise a bit.

We went live on Facebook so you can see for yourself.

I used left over shrimp and crab from our Sushi making adventures, mixed it all up and throw some spices in.

So the recipe goes like this:

Shredded Shrimp
Shredded Crab leg
1 Cup of flour
1 Egg
1/3 cup of Milk
Lemon Pepper
Sweet Basils

I can show you better than I can tell you LOL
I throw in some sides. Since we were in the spirit of frying, I also made some plantain chips. 

Haitian Pikliz Recipe

So we ended up having the Shrimp-Crabby Patties with Plantain chips and *Pikliz

Pikliz is a Haitian spicy side made with cabbage, carrots, lemon juice and habanero peppers. It is not for the faint of hearts.
This is "melt your face" spicy.
I have a jar of that stuff in my fridge ready to go for an occasion like this.
Haitian Pikliz Recipe

But I like spicy so...

Haitian Pikliz Recipe
This is a made-up recipe, if you want to try it, you won't regret it. The Shrimp-Crabby patties came out so good. Way better than I had hope.

Do you ever improvise in your cooking and just figure it out as you go?
what did you make?


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