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Grateful and praising God!

by - October 07, 2016

All I can say is WOW oh WOW! God is so awesome! We were just spared the devastating eye of hurricane Mathew, all I can say is Praise God.

I am so grateful! 
I kept a brave face but I was terrified of that thing. I went through hurricane Jeanne, Wilma and Frances it wasn't pretty. This is my first hurricane as a "grown up" with actual adult responsibilities. Last time we had one was over 12 years ago. I was living at home. As I'm finding out "Adulting" in a crisis is real.

My heart is full and I'm beyond grateful I don't have to deal with any of the negative aftermath. 

God is good.

We are still praying for the safety of our friends in the North East side of Florida. We are praying for our friends and families in Haiti, The Bahamas, Cuba and all other Islands affected!

Any of you guys were or are still in hurricane Matthew's path?

I'm praying for you!
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