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Recipe for a "Mom Relaxed Night" at home! #MoscatoMoments

by - July 05, 2016

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MoscatoMoments #CollectiveBias The following content is intended for readers who are 21 or older.

As moms, we give a lot to our family. We are the cook, the nurse, the counselor, the everything. In the shuffle of it all, we tend to ignore ourselves. 
We are so busy in being everyone else's caretaker that we forget the best care of all: Self-care!

This everyday task gets even more challenging now that it's summertime. The children are home all day, just keeping them entertained and enjoying their summer is a full-time job. Somedays, bedtime can't come soon enough!

On those days, the one thing I look forward to, is my #MoscatoMoments!

The perfect recipe for a "Mom Relaxed Night" at home

What you will need:

  • A nice bottle of Sutter Home Moscato, Red or Pink.  It's all delicious and guaranteed to send you to your happy place. (Walmart has them at a very good price, so you don't have to compromise your budget!)
  • Bottle of bubble bath
  • Your favorite essential oil. (Mine is the Lavender)
  • Epsom salt
  • Bath towels
  • A few candles.
  • A good book... I have my kindle.
  • And the biggest goblet you own!

What to do

Step 1: Enforce bedtime - Send the kids to bed!

My kids fight bedtime every night! My youngest asked me why she needs to have a bedtime in the summer, because to her, it seems pointless to go to sleep since she doesn't have to wake up for school or camp or anything.

To which I respond, "Oh no honey dear, bedtime is not for you, it's for mommy." 

It's mommy's clock out time! 

Step 2: Crack open your Sutter Home Moscato

Step 3: Pour yourself a big glass or two

Step 4: Draw yourself a hot bath

I used two cups of Epsom salt, a few drops of Lavender essential oils, and Lavender bubble bath. 
A good book on my kindle, a few candles, and I'm headed to my Happy place!

It is important to take care of ourselves, recharging every once in awhile. Like the saying : "Self-care is the best care"!

After a night of relaxation like this one, I'm ready to be the best mom I can be. I'm refreshed and ready to give my all to my little love bugs!

What does your relaxed night at home look like? 

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