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Easy Summer dinners - Barbecue glazed chicken wings, green salad, and fresh rolls.

by - July 06, 2016

I'm a big fan of automated dinners. I'm a fan of anything I can put on a timer, like a crock-pot, bread machine, oven bake.

Automated dinner is something you can prep in very little time, set it to cook on a timer and come back to a cooked meal.
And this here is my fave!
Barbecue glazed chicken wings, green salad, and fresh rolls.

Step 1

Season chicken wings and add the glaze. Set it in the oven at 350 degrees for one hour and twenty-five minutes

(I'm using my Carolina Gold I got from Trader Joe's)

It took me less than ten minutes of prep time.

Step 2

Load the bread machine

Step 3

Cut and wash your lettuce

Step 4

Serve and have fun!

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