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Spring Cleaning and Outdoor Patio Makeover

by - April 01, 2016

I started this patio spring cleaning since Thanksgiving last year if you can believe it. I was trying to clean old cushions, I got fed up with them and threw them out. I didn't know how hard it would be to find affordable replacements.

I've been to all my favorite stores looking for outdoor cushion, They told me cushion was a seasonal thing and they were putting Christmas decor out at that time. I didn't even know that seasonal items were even a thing in South Florida especially outdoor cushions. 

In the meantime, my patio went from bad to worse. We started piling all kinds of toys and junk in there, every time I pass it I would groan in disgust!

Anyway, I searched high and low, I found some pretty ones at Lowes but for the price of the cushion, I might as well just buy the set and be done with it.

I went to Pier Impot, they had what I wanted but not enough for all 4 seats, I went to home depot they didn't have the right colors and the price was a bit icky.

Yesterday, after I dropped the girls at school I stopped by a Walmart on the way and what do you know? Walmart had springy colorful affordable cushions!

I would have never thought to look for them at Walmart, my Walmart never have cushions.

I empty the junks, threw most them away and we have a patio again!

I'm really glad I finally clean it, the girls came home from school and insist on eating lunch outside. 

And I love it! 

Now if I can only get the disgusting green paint of the floor... Another day, another project.

What are you doing for spring cleaning? any big projects?

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