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Easy DIY Thing 1 and Thing 2 costume for Dr Seuss week

by - March 03, 2016

diy thing 1 and thing 2 costume

If you have preschoolers and elementary age children you know already part of the shenanigans. Dressing up as Dr. Seuss characters, eating green eggs and ham, my girls' favorite is the Things.

Thing 1 and thing 2 

We decide we whip up some Things shirt of our own. 
All you need to make your DIY thing 1 and thing 2 the costume is a redshirt, a printable, thread, and needle or glue your choice.

You can find printable on Pinterest of you google for printable Here's a cute one you could use here 

I simply printed the Things for the DIY thing 1 and thing 2 costume and cut it out and hand sew it onto the shirts. You could just glue it with modge-podge or hot glue if you don't want to sew.

However, if you are using shirts you want to keep for future wear the hand sewing method is a cleaner way.

 My girls love these sparkly shirts, I didn't want to risk ruining them with glue, after the shenanigans I simply pull the thread and it's like it was never there. I didn't get to finish wigs, so we went with blue hair bows. 

DIY thing 1 and thing 2 costume

What are you doing for Dr. Seuss week? I'd love to see your fancy DIYs
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