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Be grateful! You're doing better than you give yourself credit for.

by - February 01, 2016

Hola chicas,
We've made it through a whole month in the new year. It really felt like a couple of days but believe it or not, it's been a month! 

It went by fast, but it was long! Weird, right? Fast enough to feel like we just rang in the new year, I haven't even wash the dress I wore on new year's day but long enough to lose sight... just a bit.

This month has been both rewarding and challenging. On challenging days, it is so hard to keep sight of all the awesomeness happening.

And whenever we lose sight of the awesomeness and focus on the challenging parts instead, we stop being grateful.

This month, I had to learn some stuff I don't like, I had some slow down and beat myself up over miss expectations.

One thing I have to keep reminding myself is that IT'S OKAY!

I' am not the same woman I was last month, I am not the same mom, I am not the same business woman, I have so much to be grateful for and be proud of.

I'm sure I'm going to have to go through this again next month but for now, I want to encourage you and me to give ourselves some grace.

Take the time to celebrate our accomplishments big or small. Celebrate the fact that we get our kids to school on time every day, we get ourselves to work, we're building businesses, we do amazing things every single day, we are doing GREAT!

Let's be grateful! 
Let's celebrate! 
And better yet, let's get ready for the new month. 
Expect great things! 
Expect double the awesomeness! 
It's coming!

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  1. Yes! I love everything about this post. You are so right about giving ourselves grace. We can be our own worst critic, and we tend to forget just how amazing we really are :)

    1. Absolutely! We may not be where we want to be but we're so much further than when we're started. And we need to recognize that and give ourselves credit.

    2. Absolutely! We may not be where we want to be but we're so much further than when we're started. And we need to recognize that and give ourselves credit.


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