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4 books every christian mother should read and keep

by - February 05, 2016

A few years ago, I found myself in a very delicate predicament, my life as I know it was over and just like that I was a single mom. A single mom to the most precious little girls you will ever meet. At first, I thought I'd rather die and take them with me then to let them grow without a father (the devil is a liar, trying to take us out any way he can) but praise God I found my strength in prayer.

Praying for your children is the most rewarding thing you'll ever do and the most precious gift you will ever give to them!
Which is why I love this book, I have the other one in her series the "the power of a praying ...", but this one was just on point!

When you are starting out broken like I was, you don't exactly know what to pray. This book is like a guide telling you to pray this, this way!

In praying for them, I realise they are not growing up without a father, they have the ultimate Father loving on them and taking care of them every step of the way!

My next favorite is The 5 love languages of children, again the 5 love languages books are very popular series by Dr Gary Chapman, it talks about loving the right way. Loving our kids in the way they understand.

I just had a schedule change, and I'm not at home as much as I use too. I notice my youngest has been kinda icky. I try to make the most out of the time we have together, but after a very weird request, from her this morning had me thinking. She asked if I could come home early so we can make bread. That's a weird request, but I said Ok. 
I soon realised that her love language was changing, and my approach to showing her love wasn't working anymore. The hug and kisses and saying I love didn't translate in the way she understands. Her love language has evolved from words of affirmation and physical touch to act of service and quality time. So to her, us making bread together is the ultimate act of love!

Another favorite of mine is The Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent. In this book, he talks about the value of a father's love. He went on a journey with Jacob and Esau, How Jacob went to such great length to steal the blessing. How we can get that blessing we so crave from the love of God. The author grew up without a father, and he shared how he got his blessing from the love of God. You can see why I love this book! :-)

Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer

This one is new to my list, I love Priscilla Shirer, I did one of her bible study on Gideon and when I saw her in the movie War room, I was so excited! I was like yay! I know her! Fervent goes along with the idea of the movie about being a prayer warrior. This is not just a book it's a weapon you can't afford NOT to have in you tools box.

Read any good books lately? Share with me in the comments!

(affiliate links included, don't worry it doesn't cost you a thing but if you buy the book using my link I get some coins so... thanks!)

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