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#Grateful - Find Joy in the little things!

by - October 12, 2015

Download your FREE 30 days grateful challenge handbook 

Hi Girls,
The year is coming to an end, the holidays and busy season are fast approaching. Along with tidings and good cheers also come anxiety and frustrations don't get sucked in the former.

Teach yourself to find joy in the little things. This is what we have been doing for weeks with the grateful challenge. We've been teaching ourselves to respond in gratefulness, not react to present situations.

I can guarantee you that present  circumstances will more likely push you toward griping and complaining. 

When you teach yourself to respond in gratefulness, you hunt for joy, you seek for it and you make it happened!

Yes, it can be hard waking up in the morning to pack those lunches, it can feel mundane and tedious, but those lunches are growing little humans! 
And you are responsible for that. 

This is some superhero job! You get to grow humans!

It is a blessing to be able to serve your family in that capacity. I always talk about motherhood being a ministry, making lunches is your field work!

You should be grateful! You can be grateful and there are tons to be grateful for. 
Don't let Monday get in the way!

Find the joy in the quirky smiles!
Find the joy in the impromptu "thank you"
Find the joy in the hugs
Find the joy because it's everywhere if you look for it!

How's your "Joy" meter today? 

Have you JOIN the grateful challenge yet? Download your FREE handbook HERE!

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