Some days I wake up feeling like I'm in a Sci-fi movie. You know, when you end up in an alternate reality and everyone knows you but you don't have any recollection of the life you're living?
All I remember is, I was a determined 22 years old young woman with a life plan. I was moving away, I was on my way to be AWESOME! but between then and now...
I'm a jobless, divorced single mom
How did that happen?
WHEN did that happen?
I looked at myself in the mirror and yelled: "You reckless idiot! You took over my life and ruined it."
But then, through the tears and anger, I looked again and saw beauty, love, life wrapped up in the being of two gorgeous little girls.
I'm not married. I'm not the CTO of a Fortune 500 company. I haven't invented any cutting-edge software. I didn't get the "Engineer of year" award.
I'm a MOM.
I'm their mom!
Two smart, beautiful, amazing little girls...
I'm their mom!
They are God's love personified. They are the manifestation of restoration.
They are Romans 8:28 at work.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.."
Yes! That idiot in the mirror screwed up, made bad decisions, and really did try to ruin my life, BUT God worked it all out for good.
He really did give BEAUTY for ashes! Not just one, but two beauties.
I get to be the mom of these two amazing little girls. I get to love and nurture them. I get to be a part of something bigger than myself. I get to be a part of God's great plan for their lives.
They are my purpose. They are my talent. They gave me motherhood
Happy Mother's day!
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