Fitness Friday: Work out is always better with a partner!
Hola Chicas!
I'm exercising! ...AGAIN!
If you guys remember this post I shared sometimes last year then you already know how I feel about the gym.
I had started a really cute "office routine / lunch work out" that was working well for me but unfortunately I no longer have an office with structure and schedule so like everything else my exercise life has been well gone!
As part of my Operation FIX my life campaign I'm conducting against myself, I added to-do lists and schedules and yes!
Work out!!!
As you can see in this video I have the cutest trainer ever!
I know my routine is pitiful LOL but I'm trying people! I'm trying!
I'm planning on adding more moves to the routine, as soon as I found some on Pinterest.
How do you include work out in your life?
are you a gym brat? or work out at home DVD?
dish out in the comments.
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