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I'm Sprouting - How To Sprout And The Benefit of Sprouting

by - January 20, 2014

How To Sprout And The Benefit of Sprouting
Sprouting is one of the quickest and easiest ways to pack a group of nutrients into your body in just one handful.

Sprouts are incredibly nutritious; Studies show remarkable levels of B Vitamins, as well as Vitamins C, E and A (up to 15 times the original content!). Some folks refer to sprouts as "pre-digested" food due to this breaking down the process in the sprouting stage of life. This makes the sprouts far easier to digest than the original seed.
Sprouts can be eaten at any meal to help the digestive process along and keep raw living nutrition pumping through your blood.
So with all that said I decide to give it a try.

Here's the how to:

day 1: I soak the lentils over night

How To Sprout And The Benefit of Sprouting

Day 2: In the morning I rinse them off and laid them in a plate cover with a damped paper towel

How To Sprout And The Benefit of Sprouting

Day 3: I rinse again and repeat

How To Sprout And The Benefit of Sprouting

Day 4: the lentils had sprouted all the way and were ready to eat

I mixed in sprouted lentils, shredded lettuce, "meaty taco fillings", corns, crushed taco shells
How To Sprout And The Benefit of Sprouting

So yummy, I added cheese to mine but you can choose to skip the cheese

ENJOY! Let me know if you tried it.

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