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Easy delicious way to stretch your eggs

by - April 14, 2020

Easy delicious way to stretch your eggs

We're in the middle of a pandemic and things are hard. The thing we use to take for granted, like reaching for eggs in the dairy shelf now has become some sort of quest. 

I haven't been able to find eggs. I don't know if it has to do with the pandemic or the Easter holiday. This is my third week placing my pickup order and still can't get eggs in my order.

Easy delicious way to stretch your eggs

My family consumes six to eight eggs in one meal, at a ratio of two eggs each, which was okay when we use to eat one or two breakfast at home. You can do the math how long a carton is going to last me now that everybody's home, all day every day. 

Making it to the next grocery pick up is going to take some creativity and learning how to stretch your items.

This is an easy delicious way to stretch your eggs.

This perfect for breakfast burritos put on toast or just eat as is.

In this recipe, I'm using Onions, cherry tomatoes and hot dogs to stretch 3 eggs for the whole family but you can use whatever you want or have.

You can do spinach, pepper, sausage, ham, bacon whatever float your boat.


How is your cooking changing since this pandemic?

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