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10 fun activities for your kids do while being stuck at home

by - March 25, 2020

Years from now, when our kids are remembering this crisis there's a good chance all they will remember will be the little garden they planted, the cookies they baked, the makeshift camping tents... all the little things we do to keep them occupied while we stress are probably the best memories you will give them.
So cheer up mama, you are making a different kind of history.

Here are 10 fun activities you can do while being stuck at home.

1. Start a vegetable garden and get the kids to help.
While we are in quarantine, having a garden could be a way of passing the time. Planting a garden and growing your own food can be a fun healthy activity for the whole family, you get to breathe some fresh air, you get to absorb vitamins D from the sun, you get to exercise... 

During all this commotion, planting a garden is not only a  fun way to pass time at home, but it could also be a lifeline in difficult times. Who knows how long we will be dealing with this situation? Having a garden can make a difference between eating and not eating 👀
OK, that's dark but either way, having a garden is really fun and good for you.
I have a series of post to help you start your garden 

2. Make homemade pizza with your kids
we can't go out to eat, and we bored. Making Pizza at home is so much fun and a cool way to eat delicious pizza and still stay home. Kneading dough is therapeutic, perfect activities to keep kids busy and release some anxiety.

3. Bake cookies

4. Try calligraphy
I gave my daughter calligraphy set for Christmas since she loves watching people do it on youtube. She had never played with them, now they are getting plenty of play, She's almost done with the book. I may need to get more.

5. Try your hands at Painting
My youngest daughter has been painting, it is about the cutest thing you've ever seen. Her painting and playing classical music... Just extra! and I love it.

6. Binge watch a movie series 
 We watch the avengers' movies series, Toy Story movie series, 

7. Water play and swimming if you are able
8. Learn to play an instrument with YouTube
9. Let your kids teach you how to make tik-tok
10. Camping at home with campfire, s' mores and stories 

I know social distancing is hard even on the introverts, but it's important. I hope these tips are helping you make the most of being stuck at home.
for more tips and activities, Michelle from Divas with a purpose has created a whole page with all our smart friends sharing useful tips and tools to help us get through our new normal.

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