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DC Trip - A Tour Of The Capitol

by - June 15, 2017

DC Trip - A Tour Of The Capitol

DC is like a 3D/4D history book. Everything you ever learned is right there and alive.
I have to admit, I already want to come back when the weather is cooler to enjoy even more sightseeing and learning, cause right now is it Hotter than hell.

Regardless... we had a blast! Good things we came with friends madeWe walked miles up and down Pensylvania Ave until we made it to the actual tour.

DC Trip - A Tour Of The Capitol
I'm a library nerd, I love libraries, I go to libraries for fun. You know I was fangirling at the mother of all libraries. So much so we almost got run over by a herd of blue suits, until later we passed them we realized it was the house speaker Paul Ryan and his secret service. 
We had so much fun speculating why they were in such a rush... LOL yeah we watch too much Spy movies.

DC Trip - A Tour Of The Capitol

We got to hang out wiAuntietie Rosa Parks at the Capitol no biggie.

So much history here... Of course I can't help feeling a little sad at how thin the black history collection is, but we did learn a fun little tidbit abt this statue that did warm the heart. This Rosa Parks monument is placed in the exact spot where Robert E Lee used to be and her chin is tilted in the direction of Jefferson Davis with major Side Eye face. 

Made my day LOL

If you didn't know why this little tidbit is significant, here a history recap for you: Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States and Robert Edward Lee was an American general known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War.

DC Trip - A Tour Of The Capitol

This is the shot my kids were trying to do LOL and they couldn't figure it out. I kept telling them to back off but they want to be all up in the camera LOL

DC Trip - A Tour Of The Capitol

We did museums and buildings until we couldn't feel our feet and head back.
In hindsight I probably should have done a paid tour, considering how hot it is. What is your summer looking like?

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