Easy peasy Hair Washing Secrets - Natural Hair
Since I big Chopped, I wash my hair every week sometimes mid week, depends on how much product I used. Usually by Wednesday I would start seeing white residue, from mixing and slapping products on top of each other.
For that reason I would get a Wednesday co-wash, and on Saturday I go all out.
Last week was 4th of July week very busy one. I only co-wash and didn't deep condition.
This week end this is it!
I'm going through the whole shebang!
Pre-poo, Wash, Deep Condition, Condition, and Rince.
My pre-poo is in the kitchen shelve LOL my precious Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Shea butter, Olive oil, Aussie moist and honey!
Here's the recipe I use
Shea Butter recipe mix Excellent skin and hair moisturizer
Shea butter
sweet almond http://amzn.to/1BE5Oja
Coconut oil http://amzn.to/1EPARc5
Vegetable glycerin http://amzn.to/1BE7bP3
Grapeseed Oil http://amzn.to/1cuyeFH
Jojoba Oil http://amzn.to/1Kz5s2p
Olive Oil
Lavender essential oil for smells
You can see how I make it on this video here!
Tomorrow I have to wash my girls hair also, so I have 3 head maybe 4 if my mom jump in the mixed to wash.
I'm gonna need a good movie. :-)
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