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Easy Easter Recipe - Reddi-wip Waffle Apple Pie

by - March 24, 2016

I'm trying to create some Easter traditions around here. As a ministry family, Easter is one of our biggest weekends, we will be having three services and I will be singing praise and worship in all three. Cooking and baking are not going to be on my list of priority. However, we like to eat yummy food so I come up with some easy to make ones we will be eating this Easter.

I have the waffle Apple Pie, yes it is as straightforward as the name LOL

It's waffle, apple pie filling topped with Reddi-wip and a few slices of strawberries for color.

This can be breakfast of a yummy dessert or just because! who cares? it's easy, it's yummy and it's Easter!

What are you guys making for Easter? are you going all out? or are you being like me?

Share with me in the comments!

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