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Purposeful Motherhood - Raising kids on purpose and with passion

by - January 25, 2016

Lately, I have been having this really strong urge to just "mother" my girls.

I know "mother" is not a verb, but that's the only way I can express it. It may not even make sense but bare with me, it will.

Every once in a while I'll get those feelings or a phrase will get stuck in my head, I call them downloads from heaven when God is trying to tell me something. Sometimes it's business idea, or just someone I need to love on but this time, it's my girls.

I hop on someone scope and they talking about being a present mom, I pick up a book there it was! Listen to a talk show? there it was! random Instagram friends just start leaving comments saying the same thing. 

I know I needed to do a  bit of life inventory and evaluate how present I have been with the girls lately.

OMG! I didn't realize how busy I was. 

I've been home with them for almost 2 years now, and sometimes the illusions of "we have time" start to creep in and we forget that we don't really have "time" like that.

I'm thinking to myself, "oh I'll be home tomorrow, we can do this or that later" let me finish this one email, or whatever. 

Later is NOT promised!

I'm grateful for those little nudges from heaven reminding me I have a job to do, I have a mission, a ministry.

To be purposeful about loving these girls and praying for them. Yes, I tell them I love them every chance I get and pray for them before bedtime, but this nudge is to remind me we need more. I need to be more intentional and do everything with a purpose.

I begin to make an effort to love them in their specific love language, and make sure their love tank is full, and make time to pray more strategic prayers for them.
I have precious cargo that needs to be handled with care. I feel so blessed to be their mom, and bless to know even though I'm raising them alone, we are not alone.

I have nudges from heaven guiding me, and that my friend is all I need. 

How is motherhood going for you lately?

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