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#SpeakLife It's Going To Be a Great Productive Month!

by - October 01, 2015

September has been Awe-mazing!

It is amazing how much things change when you start to change your attitude. For the past few weeks, I have been making it a point to make myself be more grateful. We all know it's not easy, daily responsibility and busyness can take away from the reason we do what we do and push us the half empty way of thinking instead of the half full. 

We can forget to good and forget to be grateful for it. I'm so glad or should I say "grateful" for these past few weeks, cultivating a more grateful mindset.

I share this quote several time in the grateful serie, "The more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about!" 

I'm watching this true unfold in my life these past few weeks.

I won a pass to Type-A parent conference, I have never been to a blog conference before and I was planing for next year to attend a few, and out of the blue I got a message you won a pass to #typeacon

I got free complimentary coaching from one a the most influential social media maven in the online marketing world!

I've been offered Mentoring opportunities, trainings, coachings... pretty everything I need to grow my blog business. That's way I say it going to be a great month! 

I can see me bust to that open door I believe I can fly... Didn't mean to quote R.Kelly but it just fits!

I truly believe all of it is a direct result of my mindset change.

The more grateful you are the more you get to be grateful about!

Have you noticed any big changes in your life since you started the grateful challenge? 

Share with me on the comments!

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