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Walmart Family Mobile - My Back to school Assistant

by - August 12, 2015

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #JustACallAway #CollectiveBias #sponsored

Monday is our official back to school day, and as usual I'm a nervous wreck. 
It's not like it's our first rodeo, we've been there done that, but that still doesn't help me from being a nervous wreck. We had a little bit of a teacher mishap last year, Praise it all worked out, but just the thought of doing it all over again is getting me all in knots. 

Nevertheless the girls are excited, I'm happy about that. We went back to school shopping, just so you know NOT my favorite thing to do...

But Thank God for walmart!

I was able to get everything on their supply lists (which is a lot BTW) including a new back to school save-mommy's-sanity device also known as new my stylish LG G-Stylo smartphone.

They need their supplies so does mama!

with Unlimited Talk, Text & Data service plan in the Walmart Family Mobile plan which includes up to 1G of 4G LTE data for only $29.88/month (for the first line), mommy can stay organise, respond to emails quickly and be just a call away in case of an emergency!

  • Just so you know: All prices for phones and plans included in this post are accurate as of the date of posting; however, these prices are subject to change. Please refer to oryour local Walmart for current pricing.

There's already a gazillion things for me to do, PTO meetings to attend, volunteering hours to complete. I'm grateful for my super affordable assistant, helping me stay on top of things. (by assistant I mean LG G-Stylo smartphone) She's slick, fast wide screen for effortless browsing.

We just had our meet and greet yesterday, I got to meet both of the girls teachers but in the heap of excitement when they ask you do have any questions? I didn't have any but once I get home they start to flow in.

Which mean... I got a lot of emails to send, with all my questions and keeping up with new class activities news. 

Thank God for my Walmart Family Mobile service with Unlimited Talk, Text I'm always just a call away!

I won't miss any calls or go over my minutes, I can manage my volunteering hours right from my stylish LG G-Stylo smartphone (Can you believe I have to complete 30 hours?), respond to emails, set my calendar meetings, keep up with project due dates, so I don't miss a thing. 

For the best part, take first day pictures of my little bugs! 

Sometimes I wondered how my mom did it all without technology? More power to you mom, but I'm glad I'm a mom in this techy era cause I don't know what I would do without my 4G LTE lighting fast service, wide screen smartphone.

My babies start school on Monday and my phone and I are ready-ish. 

How are you getting ready for back to school? 

How would the walmart family mobile make your life easier this school year?

Share with me in the comments :-)

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