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Easy Back to School Breakfast Ideas Kids will Love #quakerTime

by - August 20, 2015

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Quaker. All opinions are mine alone.  #QuakerTime #CollectiveBias #sponsored

It's back to school day 4, so far so good, we've got the bedtime issue under control. The girls are behaving no fighting and bickering Life is good!
After the smoothie accident in my car yesterday, no more breakfast in my car. 

We're eating inside!

I stopped by Walmart to pick up some of my trusted quaker items so I can plan some quick on the go breakfast for the girls.

Usually we get away with a quick smoothie, but now They're big girls 1st & 2nd grader eat lunch way later than they use to in kindergarten. So breakfast is a must I don't want my babies starving before lunch time.

 Did you know quaker life cereal had a maple and brown sugar flavor? it's so yummy!

I promised the girls toast with my oatmeal bread, but we had church last night and got home right on time for bedtime I didn't have to to load the bread machine, so I traded them something else!

Maple and brown sugar oatmeal crunch

 All you need is quaker instant oatmeal and the quaker life maple and brown sugar cereal.

The cereal serve as sweetener for the oatmeal and added crunch. 

My little bug is still afraid of crunchy food because of her wiggly tooth, poor thing has 4 wiggly tooth so she had hers with apple instead.

Oatmeal Apple chunks

Although I believe the wiggly teeth is an excuse not to have the same thing as her sister. They do it all the time, her sister wants potatoes, she want sweet potatoes, her sister want elbow macaroni, she want shell macaroni, her sister wants pepperoni she want cheese... It's my life LOL

Luckily this wasn't that big a deal to switch up, so they are both satisfy!

After drop off it's time for some mommy breakfast time. I took mine up a notch with a bite of chewy dip peanut butter bar! 

And the angelic choir sing AHH!
Who doesn't like chocolate for breakfast? (Don't tell my kids I said that)

Moving on! You can also add blueberries, bananas, strawberries in the oatmeal whatever you'd like. 
You can also do the same thing with quaker life if you're going with cold cereal.
If you would like more think outside the box breakfast ideas visit the quaker page on Facebook and Pinterest.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, how do you spices up your morning breakfast?

Share with me in the comments.

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  1. Thank goodness for Quaker!!! My mornings have been saved many of times because of this brand. Gottal love the oatmeal. Thanks for the tips!


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