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Juicing recipe: The Red Monster

by - May 28, 2014


  1. Red kale
  2. Tomatoes
  3. Carrots

Benefits of the Red Monster

Red kale just like the green are pack with antioxidants, even better antioxidants in red kale. They are

 very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, lutein and zeaxanthin and also rich in calcium. All these good stuff works together to prevent degeneration in other word they keep you looking younger and younger.

Tomatoes are rich sources of  Vitamins A, C, K, folate and potassium.
Tomatoes also play a major part in keeping skin less sensitive to UV light damage, a leading cause of fine lines and wrinkles. Tomatoes works to keep you looking younger too.
Tomatoes build strong bones. The vitamin K and calcium in tomatoes help in strengthening and repairing bones. No snappy bones mean you can keep rocking those heels! Great incentive for me LOL

The purpose of the carrots was to get the kale and tomato fibers unstuck. LOL I'll explain, My very special Juicer have this weird thing it does, while it can juice up carrots, celery, apple with no problem, it does have a problem spitting out the fibers out of softer food. so I throw in some carrots to get  the kale and tomato unstuck.

It a practical/mechanical addition but carrot also is pack with beta carotene and vitamin A, does wonder for the skin and vision. It also help with the taste.

Are you a juicing or smoothie fan?
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